Yesterday I bought a pair of earplugs. I already have one but it’s the type that have a cord and you put it in the ear channel. It’s great for a all purpose silent-stuff but it’s not good to sleep because of the cord and the size/design. It press the ear/channel when you put our head in the pillow.
So I made a couple of phone calls and went to downtown in the lunch time and bought a pair of silicon earplugs. You put it in the ear, molding it to interrupt the sounds/water to come inside the ear. It works just like the big old headphones. The silicon is very soft and I think it can wears out very quickly with dirt.
Right in front of the store that I bought the earplugs there’s a used bookstore (FĂgaro). I’ve never been there and it’s really a cool one. It has products that range from binoculars, old (very, very old) books, used LPs, ball point pens, and of course regular used book ones. I went to the Scince Fiction department (just 20 or 30 titles) and found a Isaac Asimov Book that I saw a couple of years ago in United States: The Timeline of Discovery and Invention. It is in portuguese and basically is a timeline from 4 million years in the past until 1990 (I guess), telling the discoveries and evolution of the human being. 1,000 pages for R$25 (+-US$12). Really a bargain!